[APP-51000] Invalid position This position does not exist at all, or is not completely within the assignment's date range.
[APP-51001] This vacancy does not exist
[APP-51002] Cannot submit report Possible causes could be that the report does not exist, The concurrent request manager is not working.
[APP-51003] Assignment must have a valid pay period at actual termination date
[APP-51005] Person type must be a type of EMP at actual termination date
[APP-51006] Payroll must have a valid pay period at actual termination date
[APP-51007] Actual termination date must exist before setting final process date
[APP-51008] Person type must be a type of EX_EMP at final process date
[APP-51009] This position is not in the same business group as the assignment.
[APP-51010] Formula return &RET_NAME exceeds size limit of &LIM_SIZE characters.
[APP-51011] Person does not exist at specified date
[APP-51012] Cannot rehire a person who is not a type of EX_EMP
[APP-51013] This person does not have a previous period of service
[APP-51014] Cannot rehire a person unless a final processing date exists for their previous period of service
[APP-51015] The rehire date must be later than the final processing date of the previous period of service
[APP-51017] Assignment Number must be null for applicant assignments
[APP-51018] Hierarchy Level must be greater than 0. The Hierarchy level specified must be greater than 0.
[APP-51019] Primary Key Constraint Error Combination of Entity Name and Pattern Purpose is not unique.
[APP-51020] Unique Key Constraint Error. Combination of Entity Name and Pattern Purpose is not unique.
[APP-51021] Unique Key Constraint Error. Combination of Pattern Purpose and Hierarchy Level is not unique.
[APP-51022] Invalid primary key specified. The Primary key specified is invalid.
[APP-51023] The Pattern Bit Specified is not unique. Pattern Bit specifed is not unique.
[APP-51024] Multiplier must be positive whole number. Multiplier must be greater than 0.
[APP-51026] This record is locked by another user. The Object specified is currently locked. Try again later.
[APP-51027] API Error. Invalid Object Version Number. Invalid Object Version Number. Re-query and try again.
[APP-51028] Employment category is not valid
[APP-51029] Choose a date on which the assignment includes a payroll
[APP-51030] There is a gap in the continuity of Primary Addresses.
[APP-51030] There is a gap in the continuity of Primary/Main Addresses.
[APP-51031] Employee is a supervisor, changing hire will invalidate this.
[APP-51032] Employees previous Employment,has not been closed for more than a day.
[APP-51033] Future dated salary administration records exist
[APP-51034] Retropay encountered an Incomplete Assignment Action Retropay is unable to process any Assignment Action with a status that is not complete. The effective date for the incomplete action is &EFFECTIVE_DATE.
[APP-51036] The assignment must be an applicant assignment as of the effective date. When attempting to update an applicant assignment the assignment type should be of type 'A' (Applicant). An error occurs when the update of an employee assignment is attempted with assignment type of 'A'.
[APP-51037] This action MAY affect the value of balances. Do you wish to continue? By deleting a balance feed, or taking action which may result in balance feeds being deleted, you may affect the value of balances which have already been fed by this input value.
[APP-51038] The usage may not start before the calendar starts. You may not assign someone to a calendar for a period of time before the calendar has come into being. Please choose a date later than &CALENDAR_START_DATE.
[APP-51039] A Workers Compensation override rate for this state and carrier is being referenced
[APP-51040] The applicant assignment position doesn't match it's vacancy position. The position_id for the assignment should match the position_id of the assignment's vacancy but only if the position_id for the vacancy is not null.
[APP-51041] The applicant assignment location doesn't match it's vacancy location. When the vacancy_id for an assignment is not null and the location_id for this vacancy in PER_VACANCIES is also not null. Then the location_id of the vacancy should match the location_id of the assignment.
[APP-51042] The applicant assignment organization doesn't match it's vacancy organization. When the assignment vacancy_id is not null and the organization_id for this vacancy is not null then the vacancy organization_id should match the assignment organization_id.
[APP-51043] The Payroll specified does not exist.
[APP-51044] The Balance Dimension does not exist.
[APP-51045] Initial Balance Upload does not Support this Balance Dimension.
[APP-51046] The Tax Unit does not exist.
[APP-51047] The ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID context must be specified.
[APP-51048] The Original Element Entry does not exist.
[APP-51049] The Balance does not exist.
[APP-51050] Balance does not have an initial balance feed.
[APP-51051] Balance does not have an element link for its initial balance feed.
[APP-51052] Assignment must be an employee assignment.
[APP-51053] Assignment has already been processed before the upload date.
[APP-51054] The position definition flexfield structure is invalid
[APP-51055] The assignment position and organization combination is invalid. The position and organization combination for the assignment should match the position and organization combination in PER_POSITIONS.
[APP-51056] The assignment position and job combination is invalid The position and job combination for the assignment should match the position and job combination in PER_POSITIONS.
[APP-51057] The job for the assignment position and job combination cannot be null The POSITION_ID and JOB_ID combination for the assignment should match the position combination in PER_POSITIONS. Hence the assignment JOB_ID cannot be a null value.
[APP-51058] An error occurred in hrentmnt.validate_adjust_entry. Contact your Oracle Support Representative. The cursor csr_ele_info in the pl/sql package, hrentmnt.validate_adjust_entry returned no rows (unexpectedly). The parameters of the procedure were: p_mode = $P_MODE p_assignment_id = $P_ASSIGNMENT_ID p_element_entry_id = $P_ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID p_start_or_end_date = $P_START_OR_END_DATE p_old_date = $P_OLD_DATE p_new_date = $P_NEW_DATE p_effective_start_date = $P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE p_effective_end_date = $P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE p_entries_changed = $P_ENTRIES_CHANGED
[APP-51059] The absence duration in days/hours must be entered. The absence duration in days or hours must be entered. Enter a duration value in the duration field to proceed.
[APP-51060] The calendar start position must be between 1 and $MAXIMUM The pattern consists of $MAXIMUM distinct parts. You may not enter a number which does not correspond to one of the parts.
[APP-51061] The start position must be positive The start position must be greater than zero.
[APP-51062] The calendar starts on the wrong weekday. The pattern definition specifies that any calendar using it must start on a $WEEKDAY. If you have specified a pattern start position greater than 1 then the system will go back from the start time to work out the day on which the first pattern bit would fall.
[APP-51063] The calendar starts at the wrong time. The pattern definition specifies that any calendar which uses it must start at $START_TIME. If you have specified a pattern start position greater than 1 then the system will take into account the offset to work out the time at which bit 1 of the pattern would start.
[APP-51064] The calendar name must be unique
[APP-51065] The calendar_id must be unique. The system-generated key for HR_CALENDARS is not unique. Contact your system administrator. The sequence in use was HR_CALENDARS_S.
[APP-51066] The pattern is not valid. You must choose a valid pattern on which to base your calendar.
[APP-51067] The primary key value is invalid. The specified identifier of the $ENTITY_NAME does not correspond to a record which exists on $START_DATE. Enter a valid identifier.
[APP-51068] The calendar is not valid. The calendar you specified does not exist. Please enter a valid calendar.
[APP-51069] The entity and purpose may not be combined. You may not attach a calendar to the entity selected for the purpose you specified. Please choose a different combination.
[APP-51070] The start date must precede or equal the end date.
[APP-51071] The pattern is not appropriate for SSP. The pattern on which the calendar is based is not appropriate for an SSP qualifying pattern. Choose a calendar based on a pattern which comprises only qualifying and non qualifying days.
[APP-51072] There is already a calendar for this entity and purpose at this time. At any given time, there may be only one calendar attached to an entity for a given purpose. Check the start and end dates you have selected.
[APP-51073] SSP qualifying patterns must be whole days. The pattern is defined as being potentailly used for an SSP qualifying pattern. You chose a pattern construction which consisted of a time period which was not a whole multiple of a day. This is not allowed for SSP qualifying patterns.
[APP-51074] Not a valid availability. The availability must be one of the pre-defined values which you set up in the lookups screen. Choose a valid one (a list of values may be available if you are using Oracle Forms), or set up the new one in the lookups screen.
[APP-51075] Patterns may be broken down to only one further level. Patterns may consist of other patterns, but only if the component pattern is not itself further broken down into patterns. Choose a different pattern.
[APP-51076] Not a valid pattern You must choose a valid pattern for the pattern purpose.
[APP-51077] The pattern purpose must be unique for the pattern.
[APP-51078] The pattern purpose is not valid. The pattern purpose must be one of the pattern purpose lookup values.
[APP-51079] Not a valid SSP qualifying pattern. In order to be used as an SSP qualifying pattern, a pattern must: 1. Be composed only of whole days or multiples of whole days. 2. Be required to start at 00:00 hours. 3. Be composed only of 'qualifying' and 'non qualifying' days. 4. Be guaranteed to have at least one day in every seven as a qualifying day.
[APP-51080] The time must be specified in the format HH24:MI. For example, 22:37.
[APP-51081] The pattern name must be unique.
[APP-51082] This grade does not exist.
[APP-51083] This grade does not exist for your current Business Group.
[APP-51084] The valid grade's start date must be earlier than or equal to its end date.
[APP-51085] The start date you enter must be between the grade's start and end dates.
[APP-51086] The valid grade's start date must be later than or equal to the start date of the job.
[APP-51087] The valid grade's start date must be later than or equal to the start date of the position.
[APP-51088] Enter a valid grade for either job or position, not for both.
[APP-51089] Enter a valid grade for either job or position.
[APP-51090] This job does not exist.
[APP-51091] This job does not exist in your current Business Group.
[APP-51092] A valid grade already exists for this job and grade combination.
[APP-51093] This position does not exist.
[APP-51094] This position does not exist in your current Business Group.
[APP-51095] A valid grade already exists for this position and grade combination.
[APP-51096] The valid grade's end date must be later than or equal to its start date.
[APP-51097] The end date you enter must be between the grade's start and end dates.
[APP-51098] The valid grade's end date must be earlier than or equal to the end date of the job.
[APP-51099] The valid grade's end date must be earlier than or equal to the end date of the position.
[APP-51100] Prior employment SSP weeks must be an integer greater than zero.
[APP-51101] SSP1L details must be fully entered. If you enter prior employment SSP details, you must complete both the weeks paid and the paid to date fields.
[APP-51102] The SSP paid to date must be before the hire date. The prior employment SSP paid to date refers to the last date SSP was paid to an employee with the employer he had before this period of service began.
[APP-51103] This Assignment was not moved to the target position.
Cause: This assignment has a future change pending.Mass Moves does not muove such assignments.
Action: Use the assignment or application form toassociate this assignment with target position.
[APP-51104] This assignment was not moved/updated.
Cause: You must change an assignment's organization,position, location, standard conditions, GRE/Legal Entity or grade.
Action: Define a new mass move changing at least oneof these attributes.
[APP-51105] The Defined Balance specified does not exist.
[APP-51106] Currency required for monetary Element Type Currency code must not be null for an Element Type that has an Input Value with Money Unit Of Measure.
[APP-51108] You cannot clear saved components in this region. Saved components cannot be cleared in components region.
[APP-51109] A job requirement already exists for this job and analysis criteria.
[APP-51110] A job requirement already exists for this position and analysis criteria.
[APP-51111] The analysis criteria does not exist.
[APP-51112] Enter a job or position, but not both.
[APP-51113] Essential must be 'Y' or 'N'.
[APP-51114] This special information type does not exist.
[APP-51115] This special information type is not enabled.
[APP-51116] This task flow name already exists.
[APP-51117] To use multiple components, clear the changes in the change amount field.
[APP-51118] Error was encountered when processing assignment &ASGNO
[APP-51119] Error was encountered when processing Element Type &ETNAME
[APP-51120] Error was encountered when processing formula &FMLANAME
[APP-51121] Error was encountered when processing Skip formula &FMLANAME
[APP-51122] A Task Flow name is required. Please enter a valid value.
[APP-51123] You cannot copy a Task Flow that you haven't saved.
[APP-51124] No manager exists in this assignment's source organization.
Cause: The manager assignment has been moved from the source organization, leaving no manager.
Action: None, this is a warning only.
[APP-51126] This assignment change has altered at least one salary element entry.
[APP-51128] This position change has altered at least one valid grade.
Cause: Deactivating the source position has resultedin deactivating the valid grades for this position.
Action: None, this is a warning only.
[APP-51129] Assignments associated to a vacancy are not moved to the target position.
Cause: This assignment has an associated vacancy.Assignments with vacancies will not move to the target position.
Action: Use the assignments form to associate withthe target position.
[APP-51131] You can only perform a word processor mail merge from Microsoft Windows.
[APP-51132] Link does not exist for element &ELEMENT Link for the element does not exist.
[APP-51133] The location is not a valid work location for the assignment. The location is not a valid work location for the assignment.
[APP-51134] The total tax withheld is not equal to the difference between the gross and net earnings. The total taxes withheld is not equal to the difference between gross and net earnings.
[APP-51135] Cannot determine the assignment_id and/or business_group_id. Cannot determine the assignment_id and/or business_group_id.
[APP-51136] Could not determine the consolidation_set_id. Could not determine the consolidation_set_id.
[APP-51139] You have already created an address for this person and address type which overlaps this date range.
[APP-51140] An earnings element must be specified. An earnings element must be specified since the gross earnings are non-zero.
[APP-51141] SIT withheld entered for a state that does not have SIT tax. SIT Withheld entered for a state that does not have an SIT tax.
[APP-51142] SDI_EE withheld entered for a state that does not have SDI_EE tax. SDI_EE tax withheld for a state that does not have SDI_EE tax.
[APP-51143] The employee cannot supervise themself. The employee for the assignment cannot be the same as the supervisor. As a supervisor cannot supervise themself.
[APP-51145] The supervisor's business group should match the employee's business group. The supervisor should be in the same business group as the business group on the employee assignment.
[APP-51147] The date probation end must be after the earliest effective start date for the assignment.
[APP-51148] The default code combination does not exist for the date effective period of the assignment. The specified default code combination does exist in the table GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS or exists but is not active for the date effective period of the assignment.
[APP-51149] The performance review period frequency doesn't exist.
[APP-51151] This type of probation unit does not exist.
[APP-51152] Invalid money format.
[APP-51153] Invalid number or integer format.
[APP-51154] Invalid Time format.
[APP-51155] Invalid date format.
[APP-51157] Invalid Pay_Name format.
[APP-51158] Invalid NACHA format.
[APP-51159] Invalid value format.
[APP-51160] The set of books does not exist.
[APP-51161] The set of books cannot be updated for an assignment.
[APP-51162] The source type does not exist.
[APP-51163] The perf review period frequency and perf review period must both be not null for the assignment.
[APP-51164] The salary review period frequency does not exist.
[APP-51165] The salary review period frequency and salary review period combination should both be set or both be not set.
[APP-51166] The probation unit and probation period combination must both be set or both be not set.
[APP-51167] The probation period is out of the range 0 to 99.99.
[APP-51168] The pay basis you have entered for this assignment does not exist.
[APP-51169] Enter the same Business Group for pay basis and assignment.
[APP-51170] The Payment Type specified is not for Magnetic Tape.
[APP-51171] You cannot update this assignment as a pay proposal exists for it with a change date after its effective start date.
[APP-51172] The job you have entered for this assignment does not exist.
[APP-51173] Enter the same Business Group for job and assignment.
[APP-51175] You can define a set of books only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51176] You can define a pay basis only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51177] You can define a default code combination only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51178] You can define a performance review frequency only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51179] You can define a performance review period only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51180] You can define a salary review period only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51181] You can define a salary review period frequency only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51182] You may not update a salary proposal entry in this mode.
Cause: You attempted to update an attribute, other than an entry value, of a salary proposal element entry in a prohibited datetrack mode.
Action: Choose either 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT' or 'CORRECTION' as the datetrack update mode.
[APP-51183] The business group you specified for this application does not exist.
[APP-51184] The application id already exists.
[APP-51185] Select one of these system person types for the applicant you are creating: APL, EMP_APL, APL_EX_APL, EX_EMP_APL The system person type must be one of the following values for people who are applicants : APL, EMP_APL APL_EX_APL, EX_EMP_APL
[APP-51186] Enter either Y or N for Successful.
[APP-51187] The applicant and the application must be in the same business group.
[APP-51188] The date received must be earlier than the end date.
[APP-51189] The date received must be earlier than or equal to the projected hire date.
[APP-51190] An application for this person with the same date received already exists. An application for this person with the same date received already exists.
[APP-51192] The projected hire date must be later than or equal to the date received.
[APP-51194] The applicant does not exist in the system on the date received. There must be an instance of the applicants' person record that starts on the date received.
[APP-51195] The Zip code is incorrect for this address.
[APP-51198] You cannot define an applicant assignment as a primary assignment.
[APP-51200] You must enter a value for applicant number.
[APP-51201] The applicant number is system generated and cannot be modified.
[APP-51203] You can define a period of service only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51204] Total time in state(s) exceeds 100%.
[APP-51206] Select an 'ACTIVE' assignment status type for this assignment.
[APP-51207] Enter the same Business Group for assignment status type and assignment.
[APP-51208] You cannot terminate this assignment Future Element Entries Exist.
[APP-51210] The application does not exist with a date received which is the same as the effective start date of the assignment.
[APP-51211] You cannot enter application details when creating an employee assignment.
[APP-51212] You must enter application details when creating an applicant assignment.
[APP-51213] You cannot delete existing application details when creating an employee assignment.
[APP-51214] Enter the same Business Group for the application and assignment.
[APP-51215] The location should be active for the assignment.
[APP-51216] You can define a recruiter only for an applicant assignment.
[APP-51217] You can define an employment category only for an employee assignment.
[APP-51218] Give the applicant assignment a system status of 'ACTIVE_APL' when you create it.
[APP-51219] You cannot enter source organization details when creating an employee assignment.
[APP-51220] You cannot change source organization details when modifying an employee assignment.
[APP-51221] You cannot enter vacancy details when creating an employee assignment.
[APP-51222] You cannot change vacancy details when modifying an employee assignment.
[APP-51223] You can only define a recruitment activity for an applicant assignment.
[APP-51224] You can only define 'Person referred by' for an applicant assignment.
[APP-51225] You can only define a special ceiling step for an employee assignment.
[APP-51226] You can only define a payroll for an employee assignment.
[APP-51227] You can only define a soft coded keyflex for an employee assignment.
[APP-51228] You have entered an invalid change reason for an employee assignment.
[APP-51229] You have entered an invalid change reason for an applicant assignment.
[APP-51230] You can only set an internal address line for an employee assignment.
[APP-51231] There is no applicant assignment associated with this person on the date you specified.
[APP-51232] The assignment status type for an applicant assignment should be ACTIVE_APL or OFFER.
[APP-51233] You must enter the first line of the address to complete the address.
[APP-51234] You cannot change the end date of the application except to make it null.
[APP-51235] You entered an end date for the application earlier than the date received.
[APP-51236] You set an end date for the application earlier than future changes already made to the applicant's assignment record. Change the end date or delete the future changes.
[APP-51237] You set an end date for the application earlier than future changes already made to the applicant's personal record. Change the end date or delete the future change.
[APP-51238] You entered a termination reason that is not on the list of valid values.
[APP-51239] You cannot update this employee number as it is generated automatically.
[APP-51240] You cannot enter this employee number manually; it is generated automatically.
[APP-51241] You cannot enter this employee number manually; it is generated by the system from the National Identifier number.
[APP-51242] You must enter a value for the employee's National Identifier as the employee number generation method is based on this number.
[APP-51243] You entered a value that is not on the list of valid values for I-9.
[APP-51245] You entered a value that is not on the list of valid values for visa types.
[APP-51246] You entered a value that is not on the list of valid values for veteran status.
[APP-51247] You entered a value that is not on the list of valid values for student flag.
[APP-51248] You entered a value that is not on the list of valid values for the registered disabled flag.
[APP-51249] You entered a value that is not on the list of valid values for vendor id.
[APP-51250] You can only enter a value for vendor id if the system person type is EMP, EMP_APL, EX_EMP or EX_EMP_APL.
[APP-51251] You specified an invalid value for 'expense check send to address.'
[APP-51252] Enter an enabled people group.
[APP-51254] A salary proposal cannot be created for an applicant.
[APP-51256] You entered an Employee Data Verified date earlier than the start date.
[APP-51259] Please enter a review date, before entering the next performance review date.
[APP-51261] Please enter 'Y' or 'N' for the Multiple_Components field.
[APP-51262] The first salary proposal for the assignmnet cannot have multiple components.
[APP-51263] This event is not valid for this assignment.
[APP-51266] The Performance rating must not be entered, if the review date is not entered.
[APP-51268] The record is protected against update.
[APP-51269] You cannot approve a salary proposal, if the salary amount is not entered.
[APP-51270] You cannot unapprove a proposal which has already being approved.
[APP-51271] The assignment is not eligible for the element. You may not grant the element &ELEMENT_NAME to assignment number &ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER on &SESSION_DATE. The assignment is not eligible for the element on that date. Eligibility is determined by the element link. In order to be eligible, the link criteria must be met by the assignment at all times during the life of an element entry.
[APP-51272] The value you entered for Additional Pension Years is outside the valid range of 0 to 99.
[APP-51273] The value you entered for Additional Pension Months is outside the valid range of 1 to 11.
[APP-51274] You must enter Y or N for the NI Multiple Assignments flag.
[APP-51275] You cannot modify an applicant assignment with an initial terminated status.
[APP-51276] You have entered a city that is invalid.
[APP-51276] You have entered a city that is invalid.
[APP-51277] The organization should be an HR organization for all assignments other than the first.
[APP-51278] Please enter 'Y' or 'N' for the approved flag.
[APP-51279] Invalid combination of city, county and state
[APP-51280] The recruiter you enter must exist on the effective date of the assignment.
[APP-51281] Enter the same recruiter for applicant assignment and vacancy.
[APP-51282] Zip code is incorrect for the city, county and state entered for this address.
[APP-51283] The address must be US style
[APP-51284] Enter the same Business Group for recruiter and applicant assignment.
[APP-51285] You entered a value that is not on the list of valid values for new hire.
[APP-51286] You cannot enter a value for New Hire Exception Reason if you enter 'Exclude' in the New Hire field.
[APP-51287] The value you entered for New Hire Exception Reason is not on the list of valid values.
[APP-51288] Enter either Y or N in the Child Support Obligation field.
[APP-51289] You have entered the same name for applicant and recruiter.
[APP-51290] The recruiter must be an employee.
[APP-51291] Enter the same grade for applicant assignment and vacancy.
[APP-51292] The review date cannot be before the assignment date. Please enter a valid review date.
[APP-51293] Enter the same job for applicant assignment and vacancy.
[APP-51294] Enter a person type for an applicant assignment which is either 'APL', 'APL_EX_APL', 'EMP_APL' or 'EX_EMP_APL'.
[APP-51295] QuickPay cannot process entries that require 'separate check' or 'tax separately' processing. To run QuickPay for this assignment you must deselect these earnings types. To include these earnings types you should include the employee in an assignment set and submit the batch Payroll Process for this one employee. The batch process will manage both standard and separate processing.
[APP-51296] Enter the same people group for applicant assignment and vacancy.
[APP-51297] The vacancy you enter must exist on the start date of the assignment.
[APP-51300] Enter the same Business Group for vacancy and assignment.
[APP-51302] The 'person referred by' does not exist on the database at the start of the assignment.
[APP-51303] Enter the same Business Group for 'person referred by' and assignment.
[APP-51304] The 'person referred by' cannot be same person as the applicant.
[APP-51305] The 'person referred by' must be an employee.
[APP-51306] The recruitment activity does not exist at the start of the assignment.
[APP-51307] Enter the same Business Group for recruitment activity and assignment.
[APP-51308] The source organization does not exist at the start of the assignment.
[APP-51309] Enter the same Business Group for source organization and assignment.
[APP-51310] The proposal_id is not valid. Please enter a valid proposal_id.
[APP-51311] You cannot insert or update a salary component,if the associated salary proposal has already been approved.
[APP-51312] Salary component cannot be created for this salary proposal.
[APP-51313] The reason for a salary component must be unique.
[APP-51315] You cannot delete a salary component, if the associated proposal has already been approved.
[APP-51316] The set of books must exist as a financials system parameter for the assignment Business Group.
[APP-51317] The business_group_id is not valid. Please enter a valid business_group_id.
[APP-51318] A component reason must be enterd,before approving the salary component.
[APP-51319] The component_id is invalid. Please enter a valid component_id.
[APP-51320] Enter the same Business Group for period of service and assignment.
[APP-51322] The effective date for all DateTracked operations must not include a time component.
[APP-51323] Do not enter an end date when you first create a primary assignment.
[APP-51324] Cannot make an adjustment to a non-recurring element entry
[APP-51325] The source type must be the same as the type of the assignment recruitment activity.
[APP-51326] This salary proposal has one or more components. Please delete the components before deleting the overall proposal.
[APP-51327] SDI withheld in a state that is not currently the primary work state.
[APP-51328] The SUI state for this assignment does not have employee SUI taxes.
[APP-51329] Enter a person type for an employee assignment which is either 'EMP' or 'EMP_APL'.
[APP-51330] The target position already exists outside the target organization.
Cause: Two organizations may not have the sameposition definiton. You have attempted to create a new position when an identical position already exists to another organization.
Action: Make the position unique.
[APP-51331] Assignments were not moved from the source position to the target position.
Cause: The mass move effective date is outside the date range of the target position.
Action: Update the target position effective dates to encompass the mass move effective date, or alter the mass move effective date.
[APP-51332] This combination of categories already exist. Please clear the form and query for this combination.
[APP-51333] Vacancies associated with the source position did not move to the target position.
Cause: Automatic moving of vacancies is not enabled.
Action: Use the Requisition and Vacancy form toassociate with the target position.
[APP-51334] Job Evaluations associated with the source position did not moved to the target position.
Cause: Automatic moving of job evaluations is notenabled.
Action: Use the Position form to associate the target position with the job evaluation.
[APP-51335] The target position has a future end date.
Action: None, this is a warning only.
[APP-51336] Your initial amount cannot exceed your maximum amount. Please adjust the amounts.
[APP-51337] A value for the key flex segment cannot be entered.
[APP-51346] The supervisor should be an employee.
[APP-51348] The object version number is invalid.
[APP-51349] The date of a salary proposal cannot be updated.
[APP-51350] No personal payment method external account structure exists for the organisational method you selected.
[APP-51351] The personal payment method you selected does not exist.
[APP-51356] Timeout while writing to dbms_pipe. You must run monitor the trace pipe using PYUPIP if trace is enabled.
[APP-51357] The location does not exist
[APP-51358] The job is not valid for the current date
[APP-51359] The organization is not valid for the current date
[APP-51360] The successor position can not be the current position
[APP-51361] The relief position can not be the current position
[APP-51362] The current date effective must be earlier than the date end
[APP-51363] The position frequency is invalid
[APP-51365] Combination of probation period and probation units is invalid.
[APP-51366] Probation units is invalid
[APP-51367] Combination of time start and time finish is invalid.
[APP-51368] Time finish must be later than time start
[APP-51369] The position definition doesn't exist
[APP-51370] Replacement required must be Y or N
[APP-51371] The organization does not exist
[APP-51372] The combination of working hours and frequency is invalid
[APP-51373] You cannot approve a proposal before approving all the components.
[APP-51374] A validation error has occurred during the approval process.
[APP-51375] You can only define an applicant assignment where the effective start date of the assignment is between the date received and date end of the application.
[APP-51376] Your session date has to be between the Start Date and End date
[APP-51377] You cannot enter values into non Magnetic Tape Personal Payment segments. They must always be null.
[APP-51378] You are not authorized to see more details on this person
[APP-51379] The Contact Type you have entered for this Contact Relationship does not exist.
[APP-51380] Target position is required if selected to move.
[APP-51381] Target job is required if selected to move.
[APP-51382] New requirement and delete flag cannot both be set.
[APP-51383] Applicants cannot be assigned a GRE/Legal Entity.
[APP-51384] There are no positions in the source organization.
[APP-51385] The Beneficiary Flag must be set to 'Y' or 'N'
[APP-51386] The Bondholder Flag must be set to 'Y' or 'N'
[APP-51387] The Dependant Flag must be set to 'Y' or 'N'
[APP-51388] The Primary Contact Flag must be set to 'Y or 'N'
[APP-51389] The Person ID that you have entered does not exist
[APP-51392] Assignments exist for this period of service. Delete these assignments before deleting the period of service.
[APP-51393] WF_SESSION cookie does not exist. The workflow user cannot be established.
[APP-51394] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. The number of pages for the candidate's resume has been entered incorrectly.
[APP-51394] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. The number of resume pages has been entered incorrectly.
[APP-51395] Your Business Group was not found in PER_BUSINESS_GROUPS.
[APP-51396] Your person ID was not found in PER_PEOPLE. Please contact your system administrator.
[APP-51397] Your candidate was not found in the database.
[APP-51398] Invalid location. Please update the location and save again. Save processing will continue without this information.
[APP-51398] Invalid location. Please update the location and save again. Save processing will continue without this information.
[APP-51399] Invalid job code. Please update the job code and save again. Save processing will continue without this information.
[APP-51400] The question has an invalid html type defined.
[APP-51401] You are not authorized to see this information.
[APP-51402] The hire date cannot be changed in UPDATE.
[APP-51403] Question not found.
[APP-51404] Question length error.
[APP-51405] The competence_id is either invalid or not effective from the date that you have entered.
[APP-51406] Enter selection criteria to display a list matching values.
[APP-51406] Enter selection criteria to find a list matching values.
[APP-51411] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. A resume reference code and resume number of pages have not been specified by the hiring manager.
[APP-51411] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. A resume reference code and the number of pages for the resume have not been specified by the hiring manager on the candidate's offer profile.
[APP-51412] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. A resume reference code has not been specified by hiring manager in the Offer Profile.
[APP-51412] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. A resume reference code has not been specified by the hiring manager on the candidate's offer profile.
[APP-51413] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. The number of pages for the resume has not been specified by the hiring manager on the candidate's offer profile.
[APP-51413] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. The number of resume pages has not been specified by the hiring manager in Offer Profile.
[APP-51414] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. The hiring manager does not exist. Please contact the HR department.
[APP-51414] Sorry, the resume details for this candidate are not available. The hiring manager dose not exist. Please contact the HR department.
[APP-51415] Pay value is a restricted name. You can not change the input value name to pay value after it has been saved.
[APP-51416] Bank Name must not exceed 30 characters.
[APP-51417] The bank name you entered is not a predefined GB bank.
[APP-51418] Bank Branch must not exceed 35 characters.
[APP-51419] Sort Code must be 6 digits long.
[APP-51420] Sort Code must be a positive number.
[APP-51421] Account Number must be 8 digits long.
[APP-51422] Account Number must be a positive number.
[APP-51423] Account Name must not exceed 18 characters.
[APP-51424] Account Name must be in upper case.
[APP-51425] Account Type must not exceed 1 digit.
[APP-51426] Account Type must be in the range of 0 to 5.
[APP-51427] Building Society Account Number must not exceed 18 characters.
[APP-51428] Building Society Account Number must be in upper case.
[APP-51429] Bank Branch Location must not exceed 20 characters.
[APP-51430] The bank branch location you entered is not a predefined location.
[APP-51432] Enter Y if the competence requires certification, otherwise enter N
[APP-51433] The evaluation method you entered is invalid. Enter a valid one.
[APP-51434] The renewable period unit you entered is invalid. Enter a valid one.
[APP-51435] Enter both renewable period unit and renewable period frequency, otherwise leave both fields blank
[APP-51436] A competence with this name already exists. Enter a new name.
[APP-51437] A general proficiency scale cannot be entered because specific proficiency levels exist for the competence.
[APP-51438] A specific proficiency level cannot be entered because a general proficiency scale has been entered for the competence.
[APP-51439] This competence has proficiency levels - these will be deleted.
[APP-51440] You cannot delete a competence that is used in a competence element.
[APP-51441] Enter a name for the competence.
[APP-51442] Only rating scales of type 'Proficiency' can be assigned to competences
[APP-51443] Cannot update rating scale as levels exists in competence element
[APP-51444] The lookup type you have entered is invalid. Enter one of the following: Proficiency, Performance, Weighting.
[APP-51449] This rating scale name already exists in this Business Group.
[APP-51450] The lookup type you have entered is invalid. Enter one of the following : Y, N
[APP-51451] A default already exists for this type. You cannot have more then one default for a type.
[APP-51452] This rating scale does not exist in the current business group
[APP-51453] The rating scale is not in the same business group as the competence
[APP-51454] You cannot update a salary component amount or percentage, if the component is already approved.
[APP-51455] This record has already been changed by another user.Please execute a query on this record to see the changes.
[APP-51456] Error while calculating effective_end_date
[APP-51457] There is no object version number for this external account.
[APP-51458] Account Name must not exceed 60 characters.
[APP-51459] Account Type must not exceed 80 characters.
[APP-51460] The account type you entered is not a predefined US account type.
[APP-51461] Acount Number must not exceed 60 characters.
[APP-51462] Transit Code must not exceed 9 digits.
[APP-51463] Bank Name must not exceed 60 characters.
[APP-51464] Bank Branch must not exceed 60 characters.
[APP-51465] There is no Tax Information specified for this assignment in this location. There is no Tax Information specified for this assignment in this location.
[APP-51470] This rating scale is not in the same business group as the rating level.
[APP-51471] This rating scale does not exist in the current business group.
[APP-51472] This competence does not exist in the current business group.
[APP-51473] This competence is not in the same business group as the rating level.
[APP-51474] A rating level with this name already exists. Enter a new name.
[APP-51475] Enter a name for the rating level.
[APP-51476] Enter a step value for this level.
[APP-51477] A rating level with this step value already exists. Enter a new one.
[APP-51479] A rating level cannot be deleted if either i. it is referenced by a competence which is already used in a personal competence profile, competence requirement, or an assessment OR ii. it is referenced itself in a personal competence profile, competence requirement, or an assessment A rating level cannot be inserted if it is referenced by a competence which is already used in a personal competence profile, competence requirement, or an assessment
[APP-51480] You cannot add/delete a level that is used as a general rating scale for a competence.
[APP-51481] You cannot add/delete a level that is used in a rating scale for an assessment type.
[APP-51482] A level should either be for a rating scale or a competence.
[APP-51483] Enter an integer value for step value.
[APP-51485] The name of the Establishment and the Location must be unique.
[APP-51486] An Establishment cannot be deleted if it is referenced by Establishment Attendances
[APP-51487] The name of the Establishment must be entered.
[APP-51488] The location must be entered.
[APP-51489] The attended end date must be later or equal to the attended start date.
[APP-51490] The establishment trying to be referenced does not exist.
[APP-51491] This business group does not exist.
[APP-51492] The primary key must be entered and must be unique
[APP-51493] The business group, person id, establishment, establishment id and attended start date must be unique.
[APP-51494] The Person must be entered
[APP-51495] The establishment must be entered or an establishment must be referenced
[APP-51496] The attended end date must be later or equal to the attended start date.
[APP-51497] The attendance dates overlap with other attendance dates at the same establishment
[APP-51498] The assessment type must have a name. Enter a unique name.
[APP-51499] This assessment type name is already in use for this business group. Enter a new name.
[APP-51500] You have entered an incorrect display assessment comment. Enter either 'Y' or 'N'.
[APP-51502] The assessment classification is incorrect. Enter a valid value.
[APP-51503] The business group for the person is not the same as the business group for the establishment attendance
[APP-51504] You have entered an incorrect weighting scale id for this business group. Enter a correct one.
[APP-51505] If you enter a weighting scale comment, you must also enter a weighting scale. Either enter a weighting scale or remove the comment.
[APP-51506] The assessment classification is not of a type that has a rating scale. Either change the assessment classification or remove the rating scale
[APP-51507] The rating scale entered does not exist for this business group. Enter a correct one.
[APP-51508] A rating scale is required for this assessment classification. Either change the assessment classification or add a rating scale.
[APP-51509] If you enter a rating scale comment you must also enter a rating scale. Either enter a rating scale or delete the comment.
[APP-51510] If you enter a weighting scale id, you must also enter a weighting classification. Either enter a weighting classification or remove the weighting scale id.
[APP-51511] The attendance type does not exists as a lookup
[APP-51512] If you enter a weighting_classification you must also have a weighting scale. Either remove the weighting classification or enter a weighting scale
[APP-51513] You have entered an incorrect weighting classification. Enter a correct one.
[APP-51514] The weighting classification should be the same as the assessment classification. Enter the correct value.
[APP-51515] You have entered an incorrect formula for the line score. Enter a correct one.
[APP-51516] You have entered an incorrect formula for the total score. Enter a correct one.
[APP-51529] Invalid phone type
Cause: The value you have entered does not exist, is not date effective, or is disabled in the lookup table.
[APP-51530] Only one active home phone number is allowed.
Action: Delete or end date existing home phone, or use secondary home phone type.
[APP-51531] Only one active work phone number is allowed.
Action: Delete or end date existing work phone, or use secondary work phone type.
[APP-51532] Value for parent id was not found in parent table.
[APP-51535] The primary key for the qualification type must be entered and must be unique
[APP-51536] The name for a qualification type must be unique.
[APP-51537] This qualification type cannot be deleted as it is referenced by a qualification and subject grouping
[APP-51571] Enter a name for the rating scale.
[APP-51572] You cannot delete a rating scale that is used in a competence.
[APP-51573] You cannot delete a rating scale that is used in an assessment type.
[APP-51574] You cannot delete a rating scale which has levels used in competence element.
[APP-51576] This type of assessment is being used so the rating scale cannot be changed.
[APP-51577] This type of assessment is being used so therefore the weighting scale cannot be changed.
[APP-51578] This type of assessment is being used, therefore the assessment classification cannot be changed.
[APP-51579] This assessment type is being used by at least one assessment so it cannot be removed.
[APP-51580] The establishment attendance can not be deleted as the attendance is referenced by a qualification record.
[APP-51581] The attendance start date must be entered
[APP-51582] You cannot change assessment type after you have entered information about the assessment for this person. Delete the information, then change the assessment type.
[APP-51583] You have entered an incorrect assessment type. Enter a correct one.
[APP-51584] The assessment template that has been selected is not in use for the assessment date that has been entered.
[APP-51584] The assessment template that has been selected is not in use for the assessment date that has been entered.
[APP-51585] You have entered an incorrect value for the status flag.
[APP-51586] The assessee entered does not exist. Enter one that does
[APP-51587] You have entered an incorrect assessee for this assessment date. Enter a correct one.
[APP-51588] The assessor entered does not exist. Enter one that does
[APP-51589] You have entered an incorrect assessor for this assessment date. Enter a correct one
[APP-51590] You have entered an end date for the assessment but not a start date. Either remove the end date or add a start date.
[APP-51591] The Assessment Period End Date has to be later than or equal too the Assessment Period Start Date
[APP-51592] You have entered an incorrect assessment group. Enter a correct one.
[APP-51593] This assessment type, assessor, assessee and assessment group already exist for this assessment date. Either abandon the information, or change it.
[APP-51594] This assessment group name is already in use for this business group. Enter a new name.
[APP-51595] The assessment group must have a name. Enter a unique name.
[APP-51596] The attendance dates are outside of a qualification start date that references the establishment attendance.
[APP-51597] There are assessments which reference this assessment group. Remove these references first before removing the assessment group.
[APP-51598] Enter the start date for this competence.
[APP-51599] Competence end date has to be later than start date.
[APP-51600] You cannot delete this person. Special Information exist.
[APP-51603] Invalid Analysis criteria id
[APP-51603] The analysis criteria id that you entered does not exist.
[APP-51610] This question name already exists.
[APP-51611] This question is referenced in PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_MEMBERS table. No delete action can proceed.
[APP-51612] The business_group_id is invalid.
[APP-51615] The proficiency_level_id is invalid.
[APP-51616] The high_proficiency_level_id is invalid.
[APP-51620] The job_id is invalid.
[APP-51621] The person_id is invalid.
[APP-51622] The position_id is is invalid.
[APP-51623] The organization_id is invalid.
[APP-51628] The assessment_id is invalid.
[APP-51631] The rating_level_id is invalid.
[APP-51632] The weighting_level_id is invalid.
[APP-51633] The parent_competence_element_id is invalid.
[APP-51634] The competence_element_id is invalid.
[APP-51635] Please enter 'Y' or 'N' for the Mandatory field.
[APP-51636] The certification_method you entered is invalid.
[APP-51637] You cannot enter a certification_method without a certification_date and vice versa.
[APP-51638] The competence dates are outside the competence type dates.
[APP-51639] The source_of_proficiency_level you entered is invalid.
[APP-51641] The competence_element_type you entered is invalid.
[APP-51642] It is not possible to verify the rating levels for the competence element because the competence has not been entered.
[APP-51644] The step_value of the high_proficiency_level must be greater than or equal to the step_value of the proficiency_level.
[APP-51645] One of the assessment_id or assessment_type_id must be entered.
[APP-51646] The use of a rating or weighting level on this assessment is invalid, the corresponding assessment type does not allow it.
[APP-51647] The effective_date_from must be before the effective_date_to.
[APP-51648] The dates of the competence_element you entered overlaps with an existing competence record.
[APP-51649] The dates of the competence_element for this job which you have entered overlaps with an existing competence record.
[APP-51650] The dates of the competence_element for this position which you have entered overlaps with an existing competence record.
[APP-51651] The dates of the competence_element for this organization which you have entered overlaps with an existing competence record.
[APP-51653] You cannot enter a normal_elapse_duration without a normal_elapse_duration_unit and vice versa.
[APP-51654] The normal_elapse_duration_unit you entered is invalid.
[APP-51655] One of the organization_id, position_id, job_id, enterprise_id must be entered.
[APP-51656] Only one of the organization_id, position_id, job_id, or enterprise_id must be entered.
[APP-51657] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Requirement competence element.
[APP-51658] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Assessment competence element.
[APP-51659] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Assessment_Group competence element.
[APP-51660] The parent_competence_element must be of type Assessment_Group, if the type of the competence_element is Assessment_Competence.
[APP-51662] Only one of the assessment_type_id or parent_competence_element_id must be entered for a competence_element of type Assessment_Competence.
[APP-51663] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Assessment_Competence competence element.
[APP-51664] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Competence_Usage competence element.
[APP-51665] Only one of the qualification_id or activity_version_id must be entered for a competence_element of type Delivery.
[APP-51666] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Delivery competence element.
[APP-51667] Only one of the qualification_id or activity_version_id must be entered for a competence_element of type Prerequisite.
[APP-51668] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Prerequisite competence element.
[APP-51669] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Path competence_element.
[APP-51670] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Personal competence_element. You must enter a competence and an effective_date_from for a Personal competence_element record.
[APP-51672] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Proposal competence_element.
[APP-51673] One or more parameters were incorrectly entered for the Set competence_element.
[APP-51674] The foreign key combination for a competence_element must be unique.
[APP-51675] You cannot delete a personal competence element.
[APP-51677] You cannot delete a competence_element if it is used by other competence_element records.
[APP-51678] You cannot delete a competence_element of type Competence_Usage, if its assciated competence is used by other competence_element records.
[APP-51679] You cannot de-select this competence since it is being used by an Assessment based on the current template
[APP-51681] The values entered are not valid half Kana characters.
[APP-51681] This field only accepts one byte character
[APP-51682] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION1
[APP-51683] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION2
[APP-51684] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION3
[APP-51685] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION4
[APP-51686] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION5
[APP-51687] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION6
[APP-51688] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION7
[APP-51689] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION8
[APP-51690] Invalid value is entered for PER_INFORMATION9
[APP-51692] This field can only contain single byte characters
[APP-51693] District Code does not exist
[APP-51694] Address Line1 does not exit
[APP-51695] Both District Code and Address Line1 are null
[APP-51696] Address Line1 Kana does not exist
[APP-51697] Region 2 is not null when Address Line 2 is null
[APP-51698] Region 3 is not null when Address Line 3 is null
[APP-51699] Invalid postal code is entered
[APP-51701] The activity_version is invalid.
[APP-51705] at least one of segment10-30 is not null
[APP-51713] Invalid date format for graduation date
[APP-51714] Invalid highest educational level
[APP-51716] The element_entry_id is invalid.
[APP-51717] This salary proposal must have the same start date as the new salary basis for the employee.
[APP-51718] The salary basis for this employee has changes that take effect at a date in the future. You must delete future changes of salary basis before you can enter this salary proposal.
[APP-51722] The new salary basis uses a different element input value to hold the salary for this employee. If you continue, the system will automatically end the existing salary entry.
[APP-51724] Assignment &ASSIGNID skipped because of previous incomplete actions.
[APP-51725] Assignment &ASSIGNID skipped because it is used in future actions.
[APP-51726] You cannot enter the high_proficiency_level without entering the proficiency_level.
[APP-51727] The rating_level_id or weighting_level_id is invalid.
[APP-51731] The effective date is outside payroll time periods.
A system error has occurred. You will be notified when your System Administrator has corrected the problem.
Click on the button below to return to the Employee Direct Access Menu.
A system error has occurred. You will be notified when your System Administrator has corrected the problem.
Click the button below to return to the Employee Direct Access Menu.
You are at the wrong step for changing your details.
Do one of the following:
You have already completed all steps for this task.
Click on the button below to return to the Employee Direct Access Menu.
[APP-51737] Click on the button below to continue at the correct step.
[APP-51738] Click on the button below to return to the Employee Direct Access Menu.
[APP-51739] Non single byte character is entered
[APP-51740] Invalid value for segment30 is entered
[APP-51741] This flex structure does not exist
[APP-51748] The assessment_type_id is invalid.
[APP-51749] The Error type you have specified is incorrect
[APP-51749] The error type you have specified is incorrect
[APP-51750] The transaction you have selected has already been started. Please choose another.
[APP-51751] The parameter specified does not exist
[APP-51752] The transaction specified does not exist
[APP-51753] You are not the creator of this transaction which is restricted. Therefore you can not create this transaction step.
[APP-51754] No Function has been specified for the toolbar frame.
[APP-51754] No function has been specified for the toolbar frame.
[APP-51755] No Function has been specified for the workspace frame.
[APP-51755] No function has been specified for the workspace frame.
[APP-51756] The HR_ACTION_CODE lookup code supplied must be one of the following: SHOW_DETAILS, HIDE_DETAILS, REST,NEXT, PREVIOUS, COMMIT, ROLLBACK.
[APP-51756] The HR_ACTION_CODE lookup code supplied should only be one of the following(SHOW_DETAILS, HIDE_DETAILS, REST,NEXT, PREVIOUS, COMMIT, ROLLBACK).
[APP-51758] No codes in lookup HR_ACTION_BUTTONS.
[APP-51758] There are no codes in lookup HR_ACTION_BUTTONS.
[APP-51759] One or more of the action buttons is defined with a state not in the set {ON,OFF,WORKFLOW}.
[APP-51759] The state of one or more of the action buttons is not a member of the set {ON,OFF,WORKFLOW}.
[APP-51761] No details are found for the given activity identifier.
[APP-51762] The header level is out of the range of that specified in HTML
[APP-51762] The header level is out of the range specified in HTML.
[APP-51763] There is no root activity for the given item.
[APP-51764] There is no activity in a NOTIFIED: state for the given item.
[APP-51765] There is no function name for the activity.
[APP-51766] There was no name for the previous activity.
[APP-51767] Effective date must exceed target organization's start date.
[APP-51768] An icon is defined with a state not in the set {ON,OFF}.
[APP-51770] You cannot make this change because a future placement for a different grade to the current entry already exists.
[APP-51771] City is not in the state.
[APP-51773] This question is referenced in PER_ASSIGN_PROPOSAL_ANSWERS table. You canot delete this question.
[APP-51774] Display Order is invalid
[APP-51776] A Web user can not have more than one ICX_HR_PERSON_ID attribute.
[APP-51776] Web User can not have more than one ICX_HR_PERSON_ID attribute.
[APP-51779] Assignment id is valid but Assignment type is not 'ACCEPTED'.
[APP-51780] This combination of categories already exist. Please clear the form and query with a session date after &1
[APP-51782] The annualized hours cannot be less than zero or more than 8766 hours.
[APP-51783] You must enter a value for the annualized hours field.
[APP-51784] The assessment needs to have a date. Enter a date for the assessment.
[APP-51785] Invalid district_code aginst per_jp_address_lookups is entered.
[APP-51786] Invalid address_line1 against per_jp_address_lookups is entered.
[APP-51787] Query on per_jp_address_lookups returned more than one row.
[APP-51788] Query on per_jp_address_lookups returned more than one row.
[APP-51789] Both district_code and address_line1 can not be null.
[APP-51790] Invalid address_line1_kana aginst per_jp_address_lookups is entered.
[APP-51796] Invalid school_id against per_jp_school_lookups is entered.
[APP-51797] Invalid school_name against per_jp_school_lookups is entered.
[APP-51798] Invalid school_name_kana against per_jp_school_lookups is entered.
[APP-51799] Invalid major against per_jp_school_lookups is entered.
[APP-51800] Invalid major_kana against per_jp_school_lookups is entered.
[APP-51801] The date of birth was in an incorrect format. It has been set to empty. Please enter a date in a correct format.
[APP-51801] The format of the date of birth was incorrect. The incorrect date has been erased. Please enter a date in a correct format.
[APP-51802] Either you did not check a primary contact or you have checked more than one primary contact. You must have one primary contact.
[APP-51802] You either do not check a primary contact or you have more than one primary contacts checked.
[APP-51806] The assessee is does not belong to the current business group. Enter onne that does
[APP-51807] The Effective date you entered is too early. The Effective date has been reset to the earliest date allowed.
[APP-51807] The effective date you entered is too early. It has been reset to the earliest date allowed.
[APP-51808] The assessor does not exist in the current business group. Enter one that does.
[APP-51809] This competence is used in a competence element. The dates you have entered are outside the competence element dates.
[APP-51810] Completed payroll actions exist.
[APP-51811] Contiguous periods of service exist.
[APP-51812] This assessment is being referenced by competence elements. Remove the competence elements before removing the assessment.
[APP-51813] The qualification record being referenced does not exist.
[APP-51814] The Primary Key for the Subject Taken record is incorrect. It should be null on insert and non updatable on update.
[APP-51815] This subject already exists for this qualification with the same subject status.
[APP-51816] The subject start date must be before the subject end date.
[APP-51817] The start and end dates for the subject are outside of the dates for the qualification.
[APP-51818] The lookup value for subject major is invalid.
[APP-51819] The subject status does not exist as a lookup.
[APP-51820] This subject does not exist as a lookup.
[APP-51821] The start date or the end date for this subject overlaps with the identical subject for the same qualification.
[APP-51830] The appraisal this assessment should belong to doesn't exist. Attach it to another appraisal.
[APP-51833] The person or the establishment attendance must be entered but not both.
[APP-51834] This person does not exist as of the system date.
[APP-51835] The value of the qualification status is invalid.
[APP-51836] The qualification awarded date is invalid. The awarded date must be greater than or equal to the start date and greater than or equal to the end date.
[APP-51838] Job codes have already been assigned for this state.
[APP-51840] A fee has been entered without the currency having been entered or the fee currency has been entered without the fee having been entered.
[APP-51841] The start and end dates for the qualification are outside of the start and end dates of the establishment attendance.
[APP-51842] The qualification start and end dates do not bound the subjects taken records, either change the dates of the related subjects taken or change the start and end dates of the qualification.
[APP-51844] The projected completion date is earlier than the start date of the qualification. The projected completion date can not be entered unless the start date has been entered.
[APP-51845] The tuition method value is invalid and doesn't exist in the lookup PER_TUITION_METHODS
[APP-51847] This qualification record already exists within the date range specified. A qualification record must be unique and not bounded by an identical qualification's start and end dates.
[APP-51848] The business group for the establishment attendance being referenced is different to the business group for the qualification.
[APP-51849] The business group for the person referenced is different to the business group for the qualification.
[APP-51850] The establishment attendance being referenced is invalid and does not exist in the PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES table.
[APP-51851] The qualification type being referenced is invalid and does not exist in the PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES table.
[APP-51852] The business group being referenced is invalid and does not exist in the HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS table.
[APP-51853] The start date for the qualification is after the end date for the qualification.
[APP-51854] The primary key for the qualification is invalid. It should be null on insert and should be non-updatable on update.
[APP-51855] This currency code is invalid as it does not exist in the fnd_currencies table.
[APP-51856] FTE availability must be a number between 0.00 and 100.00, with two decimal places.
[APP-51857] This record can not be deleted as it is referenced by some subjects taken.
[APP-51859] The template end date is before the start date.
[APP-51860] At least one assessment of this type has an assessment date later than the date that this type is valid until. Change the date that the type is valid until.
[APP-51861] At least one assessment of this type has an assessment date earlier than the date that this type is valid from. Change the date that this type is valid from.
[APP-51862] Either you did not check a main address or you have checked more than one main address. You must have one main address.
[APP-51862] You either do not check a primary address or you have more than one primary addresses checked.
[APP-51863] The start date for the Establishment Attendance is not in a valid date format.
[APP-51864] You must enter selection criteria before entering a record here.
[APP-51865] Please select a position before pressing the Find button.
[APP-51866] The competence element type must be 'PERSONAL' when updating a persons competence profile.
[APP-51867] The person already has this competence at some time during the period you have specified.
[APP-51868] The Qualification Projected Completion Date is in an invalid date format.
[APP-51869] The License Expiry Date is in an invalid date format.
[APP-51870] Position status is invalid.
[APP-51871] The training completed amount is not in a valid numeric format.
[APP-51872] The total training amount value is not in a valid numeric format.
[APP-51873] The start date for the subject is invalid.
[APP-51874] The end date for the subject is invalid.
[APP-51875] Commit your Establishment Attendance before moving.
[APP-51876] For each copy transaction you can only select one of the core competencies, organization,job or position.
[APP-51877] Please select one of the core competencies, organization, job or position before pressing the copy button.
[APP-51878] The date from field must be entered for copying process.
[APP-51879] Save the assessment template before adding competences.
[APP-51880] The value of the category is invalid, this value does not exist as a lookup.
[APP-51881] The person must have a current primary address for them to be entered on a payroll.
[APP-51882] The person's address must have a county for them to be entered on a payroll.
[APP-51883] The appraisal template is invalid for your business group.
[APP-51884] The appraisal template does not exist as of the effective date.
[APP-51887] You must enter an appraisee for the appraisal.
[APP-51888] You must enter an appraiser for the appraisal.
[APP-51889] This person does not exist.
[APP-51890] This person does not exist in the appraisal's business group.
[APP-51891] This person does not exist as of your effective date.
[APP-51892] The appraisal type you have entered is invalid. Enter a valid one.
[APP-51893] The appraisal status you have entered is invalid. Enter a valid one.
[APP-51894] You must enter the start date for this appraisal.
[APP-51895] You must enter the end date for this appraisal.
[APP-51896] The appraisal period start date must be earlier than or equal to the appraisal period end date.
[APP-51896] The appraisal start date must be earlier than or equal to appraisal end date.
[APP-51897] The appraisal end date must be later than or equal to appraisal start date.
[APP-51898] The overall rating level you entered does not exist.
[APP-51899] The overall rating level does not exist in the appraisal's business group.
[APP-51900] The overall rating level must be for the rating scale defined for the appraisal template.
[APP-51902] You cannot delete an appraisal that has an overall rating set.
[APP-51903] You cannot delete an appraisal that is used in proposal answers.
[APP-51903] You cannot delete an appraisal where questionnaire answers exist
[APP-51904] You cannot delete an appraisal that is used in objectives.
[APP-51905] You cannot delete an appraisal that is used in an assessment.
[APP-51906] You cannot delete an appraisal that is used in a performance rating.
[APP-51907] You must enter a name for the appraisal template.
[APP-51908] A template with this name already exists. Enter a new name.
[APP-51909] The date from has to be earlier than or equal to date to.
[APP-51910] The date to has to be later than or equal to date from.
[APP-51911] This template is used in an appraisal. The dates you have entered are outside the appraisal dates.
[APP-51912] The assessment type you have entered does not exist.
[APP-51913] The assessment type is invalid for your business group.
[APP-51914] The assessment type is outside the start date and end date of the appraisal template.
[APP-51915] The questionnaire template you have entered does not exist.
[APP-51916] The questionnaire template must be of type 'APPRAISAL'.
[APP-51917] You cannot update the questionnaire template as this template is used in proposal answers.
[APP-51918] You must enter an appraisal for the performance rating.
[APP-51919] The appraisal you have entered for this performance rating does not exist.
[APP-51920] You must enter an objective for the performance rating.
[APP-51921] The objective you have entered for this performance rating does not exist.
[APP-51922] The objective must be in the performance rating's business group.
[APP-51924] The objective you have entered already exists for this appraisal. Enter a new objective.
[APP-51925] The rating level you have entered for this performance rating does not exist.
[APP-51926] The rating level must be in the performance rating's business group.
[APP-51927] The rating level must be for the rating scale defined in the appraisal template.
[APP-51928] The rating scale you have entered does not exist.
[APP-51929] The rating scale should be in the appraisal template's business group.
[APP-51930] You can only assign rating scale's of type PERFORMANCE to appraisal templates.
[APP-51931] You cannot update this rating scale as this appraisal template is used in an appraisal which has the overall rating set.
[APP-51932] You cannot update this rating scale as this appraisal template is used in a performance rating.
[APP-51933] You cannot delete this appraisal template as it is used in an appraisal.
[APP-51936] The Establishment Attendance is invalid, please select a valid Establishment Attendance from the LOV.
[APP-51937] Save your location or display another before continuing
[APP-51938] The system cannot find the program unit being called. This could be because the application API pre-processor has not been run. Contact your system administrator quoting the following details: Error ORA-06508 in API module &MODULE_NAME at hook &HOOK_TYPE.
[APP-51939] An internal commit or full rollback has occurred inside this API user hook. These commands are not permitted as they interfere with other logic. Contact your system administrator to resolve this action and to remove the commit or rollback statement. Quote: API module &MODULE_NAME at hook &HOOK_TYPE.
[APP-51940] ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error. Check whether you are attempting to create API hook package source code greater than 32K in size. If so, reduce the number of procedures which need to be called for this API module. The module will not execute until this problem is resolved.
[APP-51941] A call package procedure cannot have any PL/SQL overloaded versions. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51942] A package function cannot be called. Only package procedures can be called. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51943] The &PARAMETER parameter to the call procedure must have the same datatype as the value available at the hook. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51944] At least one OUT or IN/OUT parameter has been specified on the call procedure. You can only use IN parameters. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51945] There is a parameter to the call procedure which is not available at this hook. Check your call procedure parameters. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51946] A legislation package function cannot have any PL/SQL overloaded versions. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51947] The &PARAMETER parameter to the legislation function must have the same datatype as the value available at the hook. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51948] All the parameters to the legislation function must be IN parameters. OUT or IN/OUT parameters are not allowed. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51949] There is a parameter to the legislation function which is not available at this hook. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51950] The call_package does not exist in the database. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51951] The call_procedure does not exist in the call_package. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51952] Remote objects cannot be called from API User Hooks. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51953] The call_package code in the database is invalid. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51954] An error has occurred while attempting to parse the name of the call package and call procedure. Check the package and procedure names. Code to carry out this hook call has not been created.
[APP-51955] The legislation_package does not exist in the database. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51956] The legislation_function does not exist in the legislation_package. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51957] Remote objects cannot be called to find out the legislation code. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51958] The legislation_package code in the database is invalid. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51959] An error has occurred while attempting to parse the name of the legislation package and legislation function. Check the package and function names. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51960] The hook package header source code cannot be found in the database. Either the package header has not been loaded into the database or the hook package name specified in the HR_API_HOOKS table is incorrect. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51961] The hook procedure does not exist in the hook package. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51962] Remote objects cannot used for API hook package procedures. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51963] The hook package code in the database is invalid. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51964] An error has occurred while attempting to parse the name of the hook package and hook procedure. Check the package and procedure names. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51965] The legislation function can only be a function. It cannot be a procedure. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51966] The legislation function must return a varchar2 value. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51967] The legislation specific code cannot be called from this hook. The legislation package function has not been specified in the HR_API_HOOKS table, and the business_group_id value is not available at this hook. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51968] In a hook package procedure all the parameter datatypes must be VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE, BOOLEAN or LONG. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51969] In a hook package procedure all the parameters must be IN parameters. OUT or IN/OUT parameters are not allowed. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51970] You cannot define default values for parameters to a hook package procedure. Ensure no defaults are defined. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51971] A hook package procedure cannot have any PL/SQL overloaded versions. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51972] The hook package procedure can only be a procedure. It cannot be a function. This API module will not execute until this problem has been resolved.
[APP-51973] You can book an Employee on an event only once
Cause: For an event, you are trying to book an Employee more than once.
Action: As this Employee is already booked for this event, either delete the information you have already entered or change the Employee
[APP-51974] You can book an Applicant on an event only once
Cause: For an event, you are trying to book an Applicant more than once.
Action: As this Applicant is already booked for this event, either delete the information you have already entered or change the Applicant
[APP-51975] Maximum value must be greater than or equal to minimum value.
[APP-51976] Minimum value must be less than or equal to maximum value.
[APP-51977] Mid value must be less than or equal to maximum.
[APP-51978] Assignment's payroll has changed. You can only advance assignments which do not change payroll between the start date of the payment period and the end date of the one period after the last advanced period. Correct advance dates or review changes to assignment.
[APP-51979] The paragraph with this number has more than 2000 characters. Please shorten the text or divide the text into two paragraphs.
[APP-51980] Requery for the correct details to be displayed.
[APP-51981] Payment date is too early. You have entered an advance payment date that is earlier than 2 pay periods before the start of the advance period. Correct dates entered.
[APP-51982] Too many periods advanced. Correct advance dates.
[APP-51984] Save your qualification first before entering subject details.
[APP-51985] Parameters Available at each API User Hook
[APP-51986] API User Hook Pre-Processor All Module Error Report
[APP-51987] API User Hook Pre-Processor One Module Error Report
[APP-51988] Created on
[APP-51989] Module Name
[APP-51990] Module Type
[APP-51991] Hook
[APP-51992] Hook Package
[APP-51993] You entered an invalid date format. This has been replaced with the system date.
[APP-51995] The person has not been entered. A person must be entered prior to insertion.
[APP-51996] The person can not be updated. Once a succession planning record has been saved for a person he/she can not be updated.
[APP-51997] This person does not exist as of the system date.
[APP-51998] The position has not been entered. A position must be entered in order to insert a succession planning record.
[APP-51999] The position can not be updated. Once a succession planning position has been entered it can not be updated
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